Bookmakers’ Baji Satta, “Upsets,” “favorites,” and “Underdogs”


Bookmakers set the odds for cricket matches based on a combination of factors. Team performance, historical data, player form, injuries, pitch conditions, weather forecasts, and public sentiment. The goal is to create odds that attract balanced betting from both sides of a wager. while ensuring the bookmaker makes a profit through the “Vig” or “juice” (the commission they take from losing bets). Here’s how it generally works:

Initial Assessment:

Bookmakers start by weighing the benefits and drawbacks of each team, player, and other crucial factors. In addition to other information, they consider team rankings, current performances, head-to-head records, and other factors.

Market Sentiment:

Bookmakers take into account the public’s perception of the teams and players. If a popular team is playing, they might adjust the odds slightly in favor of the opposing team to balance the bets.

Odds Calculation:

Bookmakers use mathematical models and algorithms to calculate the odds for different betting markets. The odds represent the implied probability of an outcome occurring. Lower odds mean a higher likelihood of that outcome, while higher odds indicate a lower probability.

Balancing Bets:

The sum of money wagered on both sides of a wager should be equal, according to bookmakers. This lowers their risk and guarantees they will benefit no matter what happens.

  • The odds on a team that is greatly favored may be reduced by bookmakers in order to promote wagers on the underdog. They do this in order to reduce potential losses and anticipate additional wagers coming in on the favorite.
  • In contrast, if an underdog has a good probability of winning, bookmakers could increase the odds to entice bets on the underdog and balance off potential payments should the underdog succeed.
  • A balanced book, where the total amount wagered on both sides is roughly equal, is the desired outcome. The margin (the gap between the odds and the genuine probability) allows the bookmaker to keep the winning bets and pay out the losing ones while still making a profit.

Now, let’s explain the terms you mentioned:


In the context of cricket betting, a favorite is a team that is expected to win the match according to bookmakers and public perception. They have lower odds assigned to them, indicating a higher probability of winning. Betting on favorites offers lower potential payouts because of the higher likelihood of their victory.


The teams with a decreased possibility of winning the game are considered underdogs. Higher odds are placed on them, which denotes a decreased chance of success. Although the risk is larger when betting on underdogs, the possible rewards are higher should they succeed in winning.


When an underdog team defeats a favorite squad, it is called an upset. This surprising result may result in higher payments for those who backed the underdog. Bettors may find upsets exciting, and they may also cause substantial changes to the odds and betting markets.


Bettor decisions are better informed when they analyze betting markets. And choose their bets when they are aware of this terminology and how bookmakers establish odds.