ICC suspends Sri Lanka Cricket with immediate effect.

The International Cricket Council (ICC) has suspended Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) with immediate effect due to government interference. International Cricket Council Board made the decision at its meeting on November 11, 2023.

The ICC said in a statement that it had “serious concerns” about government interference in the administration of SLC. The ICC also said that the suspension would remain in place until SLC “demonstrates that it is free from government interference”.

  • The Sri Lankan government’s removal of the elected SLC board and its replacement with an interim committee.
  • The Sri Lankan government’s attempts to interfere in the selection of the Sri Lankan national team.
  • The Sri Lankan government’s attempts to prevent SLC from carrying out its legal obligations.

Why did the ICC suspend SLC?

The International Cricket Council suspended SLC due to government interference in the administration of the board. In October 2023, the Sri Lankan government sacked the SLC board and replaced it with an interim committee. The ICC said that this was a “clear breach” of its rules, which state that member boards must be independent from government interference.

What does the suspension mean for SLC?

The suspension means that SLC is no longer a member of the ICC. This means that Sri Lankan teams will not be able to participate in ICC events, such as the Cricket World Cup and the Champions Trophy. The suspension also means that SLC will not receive any funding from the ICC.

How can SLC have the suspension lifted?

Lifting the suspension requires SLC to demonstrate that it is not impacted by the government. The government must therefore replace the SLC board, which was taken out in October 2023. SLC must also show that it has taken steps to prevent government interference in the future.


The ICC’s suspension of SLC is a major blow to Sri Lankan cricket. The suspension means that Sri Lankan teams will not be able to participate in ICC events, and SLC will not receive any funding from the ICC.

It is unclear how long the suspension will last. However, it is also possible that the suspension will last for some time, depending on how the Sri Lankan government responds.